Re-defining Success: Cloud June 2024

Re-defining Success: Cloud June 2024

Let’s be honest, success is a touchy topic among Christians. Whether it’s church success, missions success or personal success, all of us wrestle with it. In particular, for today, some of us may be feeling like what we have invested our time, talents and treasure in a church, ministry or personal endeavor and may or may not feel so successful.

I think how we define success is extremely important.

There was a book written years ago by an American named Stephen Covey called the “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. In his book, Covey, coined the phrase “ Begin with the end in mind” Which I think is good advice. However, we need to be aware of where we are starting just as much, if not more so.

As I think about how I defined success, it’s actually quite eye-opening. And I believe requires readjustment.

The famous American author David Foster Wallace tells a story, “Two young Fish are swimming along, and they happen to meet an old fish swimming the other way and says  ”Morning boys. How’s the water?”

And the two young fish swim on for a bit and then eventually one of them looks over the other and goes  “what’s water?”

Wallace writes,  “the point of the story is that the most obvious, important realities are often the ones that are hardest to see and talk about”

I think this is so true when we talk about success.  And in particular how we come to our definitions of success.


The role of culture in our definitions of success - nationality, circle of friends, employment, education, social media, finances, church background


The role of family in our definitions of success. - we receive so much of our definitions of success from our families. It’s important to step back and think what are expectations in particular related to success that I have been given by my family.


The role of the Bible in our definitions of success. - Jesus makes very clear the things that he measures, what is the kind of person that is in his view successful?. As I reflect on Jesus’s teachings, I would answer that a person that is loving and living by faith is a person who he defines as successful.

Like fish in water, all of us are influenced as Christians by these three elements that give us our definitions of success. Of course, these three elements, can strongly disagree on what is success

So what do we do? How do we know what is a success? Can success be objectively defined or is it both subjective and objective? So here is how I want to suggest we start thinking differently about how we come to our definitions of success

Knowing how Jesus defines success

Love expressed in obedience


Knowing ourselves

Skills, giftings, limits

Knowing our calling

We can’t be and do everything. Where are we uniquely called to participate in the kingdom.

Being known in Christian community

We need to be with people who know us. With people who support, encourage and correct us

Celebrating Trying

What if we simply defined success as not outcomes but faithfulness and obedience. What if it is just about celebrating trying and doing our best to follow Jesus.

Small Group Questions

When you hear the word success, what does it make you think or feel?

What are ways that your culture, your family background or even teaching you have heard from the Bible defined success for you?

How are you knowingly defining success for the people that you lead?

Looking at the diagram, describing new and healthy ways of defining success, which of the four areas do you feel feel right now you need to grow in? Which of the four areas do you feel like the community you are a part of needs to grow in?

Take some time to pray for each other

Erfolg neu definieren : Cloud Juni 2024

Erfolg neu definieren : Cloud Juni 2024

Worship and Expression

Worship and Expression